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Reflexions sur le modele senegalais de la democratie africaine
세네갈의 다원주의적 정치발전 과정 분석 : 아프리카 민주화의 한계와 교훈
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
사업명 신진교수연구지원
연구과제번호 2000-003-C00094
연구기간 2000-08-31~ 2001-08-30
연구책임자 한양환(성심외국어대학)
연구수행기관 성심외국어대학
  • 신청시초록
  • The recent peaceful election handover in Senegal, from the 40 years long socialist reign to the opposition is certainly an opportune step for democratization of the african continent, plagued by fraudulent balloting, coups and civil wars.
    Yet, it doesn't deserve being applauded as a 'deep-rooted' democratic example of whole Africa. Senegal's reputation for democracy and political stability, based on the simple fact that it has never had a military coup or revolution and introduced multi-party politics before most of Africa, was also based upon the corruption and cronyism of the Socialists who ruled the country since independence under a de facto one-party system, marred with social disturbances, monopoly of campaign facilities and election anomalies of all kinds.
    As it was the mass power of marginalized poor voters claiming a mere "Sopi (change)" that enabled - the vote featuring a battle of personalities, with little emphasis on policy or ideology - the 'unthinkable' transition, the economic hardship of Senegal, one of the world's poorest country with few natural resources, doesn’t seem to be softened sooner or later : as far as the crisis of distribution persists, sometimes even worsening by the presence of country's corrupt bureaucracy, the prospect of a genuine democracy also remains unimaginable.
  • 결과등록초록
  • 해당사항없음
  • 부초록(다른언어)
  • The recent peaceful election handover to the opposition in Senegal, after 40 years of socialist reign is certainly an opportune step for the democratization of the african continent, plagued by fraudulent balloting, coups and civil wars. Yet, it doesn't deserve being applauded as a 'deep-rooted' democratic example for the whole of Africa. Senegal's reputation for democracy and political stability, based on the simple fact that it has never had a military coup or revolution and introduced multi-party politics before most of Africa, was also based upon the corruption and cronyism of the Socialists who had ruled the country since independence under a de facto one-party system, marred with social disturbances, monopoly of campaign facilities and election anomalies of all kinds.
    As it was the mass power of marginalized poor voters claiming a mere "Sopi (change)" that enabled the 'unthinkable' transition - the vote featuring a battle of personalities, with little emphasis on policy or ideology - the economic hardship of Senegal, a poor country with few natural resources, won’t be softened before long : as far as the crisis of distribution persists, sometimes even worsening by the presence of a corrupt bureaucracy, the prospect of a genuine democracy also remains unimaginable.
  • 이 연구과제의 신청시 심사신청분야(최대 3순위까지 신청 가능)
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