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서아프리카의 토착 문자들: 만데어군언어들(나이저-콩고)의 음절문자들을 중심으로
이논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 아프리카언어들의 표기에 관한 연구: 나이지리아의 구두프& #40;Guduf& #41;어와 치네네& #40;Cinene& #41;어의 표기를 중심으로 | 2004 년 보호학문강의지원 | 김학수(한국외국어대학교& #40;글로벌캠퍼스& #41;) )의 '중간산출물' 로 제출된 자료입니다.
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
학술지명 아프리카연구 (ISSN : 1229-9308)
발행정보 2004-01-01 / Vol.17 / pp. 91 ~ 118
발행처/학회 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소
주저자 김학수 (한국외국어대학교(용인캠퍼스))
색인어 writing system, syllabic, alphabetic, Vai, Mende, Kpelle, Lorna, Bassa, Niger-Congo, Mande, Fula-Dita, Fula-Adama Ba,, Wolof, Yoruba, Bete, Barnum, Bagam, Ibibio-Efik, indigenous script, West Africa
  • 주초록(메인언어)
  • This paper deals with aspects of some writing systems developed indigenously in West Africa, specifically in terms of their origin and characteristics. The main focus is on the syllabic scripts of four languages from the Nande family of the Niger-Congo phylum, and they are the Vai, Mende, Loma and Kpelle scripts found in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
    Drawing on Dalby's pioneer work(1967~69) and some others (Gregersem 1977, Singler 1997) on this subject, the paper forst classifies totally 16 indigenous writing systems of West Africa, after their geographical distribution, genetiv relationship and script types, and then moves to the four Mande syllabaries.
    Beginning with the Vai syllabary of Liberia, the oldest (invented in 1833) and the most important indigenous script in Africa, the paper surveys all the scripts in terms of their origin, usage, formal characteristics and principles behind them.
    Although there were some inconsistencies and complexities involved in the scripts, they generally enjoyed a great deal of popularity among the people who used them mostly for private purposes like correspondence, record-keeping, etc.
    Despite the fact that nost of the scripts are nowadays hardly in use, gicing place to the Roman alphabet, it should be acknowledged that they reflect one of the highly intellectual achievements ever found in the African continent.
  • 목차
  • 1. 들어가는 글
    2. 만데 어군 언어들의 문자체계의 기원 및 특성
    2.1 바이(Vai)
    2.2 멘데 (Mende)
    2.3 로마(Loma)
    2.4 뻴레(Kpelle)
    2.5 목록: 바이, 멘데, 로마, 뻴레 음절문자
    3. 맺는 글
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