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단행본 상세정보

[단행본] The tragedy of Mariam : the fair queen of jewry
이단행본은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 여성작가와 작가적 권위: 󰡔매리엄의 비극󰡕의 복화술 | 2012 년 중견연구자지원사업 | 이미영(백석대학교) )의 '원자료' 로 제출된 자료입니다.
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
주저자 엘리자베스캐리
제작기관 미상
발행처 Berkeley : University of California Press
발행국가 California
발행일 1994-02-07
전체페이지수 pp. 1 ~ 328 (328pages)
언어 영어
색인어 엘리자베스 캐리, 메리엄의 비극, 여성담론, 복화술
연계링크 출처 KERIS
  • 주초록(메인언어)
  • The Tragedy of Mariam(1613) is the first original play by a woman to be published in England, and its author is the first English woman writer to be memorialized in a biography, which is included with this edition of the play. Mariamis a distinctive example of Renaissance drama that serves the desire of today's readers and scholars to know not merely how women were represented in the early modern period but also how they themselves perceived their own condition. With this textually emended and fully annotated edition, the play will now be accessible to all readers. The accompanying biography of Cary further enriches our knowledge of both domestic and religious conflicts in the seventeenth century.

    (출처: University of Toronto Libraries, http://search.library.utoronto.ca/details?435761)
  • 메타작성자초록
  • 본 자료는 최종결과물(결과보고서)의 원자료이다.

    연구자는 초기 여성작가가 반여성적인 여성담론 속에서 자신의 작가적 권위를 구축하는 과정과 전략을 읽어내기 위해 노력하였고, 이를 위해 영국 최초의 여성 극작가인 엘리자베스 캐리의 위 자료가 사용되었다.
  • 목차
  • Preface
    Introduction 1
    Elizabeth Cary's Life and Works 3
    Subtexts and Contents for Mariam 17
    Josephus and Jewish Materials 17
    Biblical and Historical Herods 20
    Mystery Play Herods 22
    Continental and Classicizing Dramas about Herod and Mariam 23
    English "Closet" Dramas 26
    The "Social Text" of Henry VIII's Divorce 30
    Cary's Mariam 35
    The Chorus and Conventional Wisdom 35
    Structure and Characterization 38
    Mariam and Shakespeare 41
    The Texts of Mariam and the Life 43
    The 1613 Quarto of Mariam 43
    The Manuscript of The Lady of Falkland: Her Life 47
    Editorial Procedures 48
    Notes to the Introduction 51
    Pt. 1 The Tragedy of Mariam
    Historical Background to the Events in the Play 63
    The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry / Elizabeth Cary 65
    Notes to the Play 151
    Pt. 2 The Lady Falkland
    Chronology of Elizabeth Cary's Life and Works 179
    The Lady Falkland: Her Life, by One of Her Daughters 183
    Appendix A: Passages from Lodge's Translation of Josephus (1602) 277
    Appendix B: Textual Collation for Mariam 283
    Selected Bibliography 317

    (출처: Western Libraries, http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca/search/i9780520079670)
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