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사우디아라비아의 종교엘리트와 부족주의 연구
이 논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 중동의 부족주의 연구: 현대중동의 권력엘리트와 부족주의 관계 | 2005 년 인문사회분야지원심화연구 신청요강 다운로드 PDF다운로드 | 유달승(한국외국어대학교) ) 연구결과물 로 제출된 자료입니다.
한국연구재단 인문사회연구지원사업을 통해 연구비를 지원받은 연구자는 연구기간 종료 후 2년 이내에 최종연구결과물로 학술논문 또는 저역서를 해당 사업 신청요강에서 요구하는 수량 이상 제출하여야 합니다.(*사업유형에 따라 최종연구결과물 제출 조건이 다를 수 있음.)
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
저널명 한국중동학회논총 - 등재 (ISSN : 1225-8865 28)
발행정보 2007년 08월 01일 / Vol.28 No.1 / pp. 17 ~ 37
발행처/학회 한국중동학회
주저자 금상문
저자수 1
  • 국문
  • This study illuminates the relationship between religious elites and tribalism in the Saudi Arabia. So, this study illuminates the structure of religious elites and identities religious elite both establishment religious elites and non establishment elites in saudi arabia are overall studied. Namely after establishment of Saudi Arabian state in arabia peninsula, general religious elite's roles which carrie out religious doctrine so called Wahhabism with Saudi Arabia kingdom, are examined. In this result, establishment religious elites in Saudi Arabia combine with the political power, while non establishment religious elites oppose with royal government.
    In general, concerning establishment and non establishment religious elites thinking about the tribalism, establishment religious elites follow the Rashid Rida's doctrine namely harmony between Islam and tribalism, while non establishment religious elite ignore between Islam and tribalism.
    And concerning power about relationship between religious elite and tribal elite, after establishment saudi arabia state, religious elite replace from Hijaz region to Najd region. this phenomenon is maintained until nowadays.
    And concerning, what is religious elite's main issues, this paper deals with issues about relationship between religious elite and tribalism especially legitimacy establishment of the royal families and ethic formation, conciliation of conflicts.
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