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3D(3차원)그래픽으로 구현된 시각적 제품정보에서 유발된 촉각적 착각(Tactile illusion)이 광고효과에 미치는 영향: 공감각 지각(Synesthesia) 및 소비자의 촉각정보 선호도(Need for touch)에 따른 차이를 중심으로
한국연구재단 인문사회연구지원사업을 통해 연구비를 지원받은 연구자는 연구기간 종료 후 6개월 이내에 결과보고서를 제출하여야 합니다.(*사업유형에 따라 결과보고서 제출 시기가 다를 수 있음.)
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
연구과제번호 B00732
선정년도 2004 년
과제진행현황 종료
제출상태 재단승인
등록완료일 2006년 04월 21일
연차구분 결과보고
결과보고년도 2006년
결과보고시 연구요약문
  • 국문
  • 이 논문은 현실감과 촉각적 착각, 그리고 광고효과간의 관계를 조사하였다. 특히 현실감과 심상의 생생함의 설득효과에 주안점을 두었다. 총 207명의 대학생 집단이 실험에 참여하였고 이 데이타를 대상으로한 경로분석결과 현실감은 촉각적 착각과 심상의 생생함을 유발하는 원인임이 밝혀졌다. 이들 세 개념은 서로 연관되어있었고 소비자의 태도나 행동의도에 직간접적으로 긍정적 영향을 주었다.
    이에 따른 이론적 실무적 시사점이 논의되었다.
  • 영문
  • This paper investigates the relationship between presence, tactile illusion and advertising effectiveness. It is specifically focused on the persuasive effects of presence and vividness of mental imagery. A total of 207 undergraduate students participated for an experiment. The result of path analysis found that presence induces tactile illusion and vivid mental imagery. They are interrelated and made a positive contribution either directly or indirectly to consumers’ attitudes or intentions. Theoretical reasoning and practical implications for the result are followed.
  • 초록
  • This paper investigates the relationship between presence, tactile illusion and advertising effectiveness. It is specifically focused on the persuasive effects of presence and vividness of mental imagery. A total of 207 undergraduate students participated for an experiment. The result of path analysis found that presence induces tactile illusion and vivid mental imagery. They are interrelated and made a positive contribution either directly or indirectly to consumers’ attitudes or intentions. Theoretical reasoning and practical implications for the result are followed.
  • 연구결과 및 활용방안
  • The study found that presence is the key resource to persuade consumers in a virtual environment. It directly influenced attitudes but behavioral intentions indirectly. Different types of presence components played a different role in interacting with mediators and dependent variables.
    Presence factors had different effects on dependent measures also. Spatial presence made the site attitude more pleasant and exciting but did not help people think the site is informative or useful. Therefore, in terms of site design, increasing spatial presence will be more beneficial to a website that deals with game, movie, music, and so on. However, it may not be a good strategy for the business fields such as education, news media, or financing, where information is much more important than fun.
    The involvement factor (awareness or attention to a virtual environment) found to have no direct relationship with either tactile illusion, mental imagery or any of advertising effectiveness measures. It is not clear why paying attention to the virtual world was not directly related with any variables other than tactile engagement. However, we can sure that we need to focus on spatial presence and realness to persuade consumers. More research is necessary to clarify this issue.
    Brand attitude was directly influenced by realness of presence but not by spatial presence. It means that the more you feel the objects or events in the site are plausible or realistic, you may develop more favorable attitude toward the product presented there. This may be due to the direct effect of a virtual experience. The direct link between tactile illusion and brand attitude suggests that cross-modal illusion also contributed for the experience. The missing link between the illusion and site attitudes means that tactile illusion is developed for a focal object (3D object) with which the users interacted rather than for a whole environment (the Web site) surrounding the object.
    Mental imagery was composed by presence and cross-modal illusion elements. This result may be natural because imagery came out of same source, the mental model which has driven presence and cross-modal illusion. The effect from tactile engagement was significant but minimal. The vividness of imagining product or using it had a very high impact on website attitude and medium high on revisiting intention. This finding complies with the prior work [49], which reported that the easier and more vividly individuals can envision a scenario, the higher their likelihood estimates that the scenario will occur. If web providers’ purpose is to attract consumers and let them visit the site over and over again, the best strategy will be helping the visitors to vividly imagine the product related information while they stay and even after they leave. For this purpose, it is encouraged to design the site embedded with more vivid sensory cues and more interactive options to present a product.
    Finally, the dual mediation effects among advertising effectiveness measures were consistent with the case in the traditional media: brand attitude mediated the effects of advertising attitude to intention to purchase.
    Even though this study used two product types more effort is necessary to replicate the findings using more various types of products. User characteristics (e.g., information processing style, intrinsic or situational involvement, etc.) need to be included into the design because different people can respond differently to the same material.
  • 색인어
  • Presence, cross-modal illusion, mental model, imagery, advertising effectiveness
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