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정량적 방법과 정성적 방법에 의한 영어 학습전략의 사용이 듣기능력 및 읽기능력에 미치는 영향
이 보고서는 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 정량적 방법과 정성적 방법에 의한 영어 학습전략의 사용이 듣기능력 및 읽기능력에 미치는 영향 | 2007 년 | 박기표(순천향대학교) ) 연구결과물 로 제출된 자료입니다.
한국연구재단 인문사회연구지원사업을 통해 연구비를 지원받은 연구자는 연구기간 종료 후 6개월 이내에 결과보고서를 제출하여야 합니다.(*사업유형에 따라 결과보고서 제출 시기가 다를 수 있음.)
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
연구과제번호 A00743
선정년도 2007 년
과제진행현황 종료
제출상태 재단승인
등록완료일 2009년 01월 07일
연차구분 결과보고
결과보고년도 2009년
결과보고시 연구요약문
  • 국문
  • 이 연구는 양적인 방법과 질적인 방법을 사용하여 효과적인 학습자가 비효과적인 학습자와 비교하여 학습전략을 다르게 사용하는지에 대해 조사하였다. 양적 연구의 참가자는 164명의 대학생들이었고 164명 중 4명의 효과적인 학습자와 4명의 비효과적인 학습자들이 질적 연구에 참가하였다. 양적 연구 결과 영어 학습전략의 사용과 영어 능력과의 상관관계는 .335로 통계적으로는 유의미하였으나 낮은 상관관계를 보여주었다. 학습전략의 사용과 학습능력과의 낮은 상관관계에 대해 질적 연구 결과는 다음과 같이 설명하였다. 첫째, 효과적인 학습자 뿐아니라 비효과적인 학습자도 적극적으로 학습 전략을 사용하고 있었다. 둘째, 그러나 비효과적인 학습자들이 사용하는 학습전략은 학습능력에 큰 효과가 없었는데 그 이유는 학습전략의 효과는 학습자들의 언어능력과 같은 다른 변인이 중요한 역할을 하기 때문이었다. 이 연구 결과는 영어교육과 후속연구에 시사하는 바가 크다고 생각한다.
  • 영문
  • This study investigates whether or not effective learners used learning strategies differently from ineffective learners in quantity as well as in quality. A total of 164 tertiary-level students learning English in Korea participated in the quantitative study, and eight students out of 164, four effective learners and four ineffective learners, were chosen in the follow-up qualitative study. The quantitative study showed that effective learners used more learning strategies than ineffective learners with the statistically significant but low correlation of .335 between learning strategy use and English proficiency. The qualitative study demonstrated that both effective and ineffective learners, in general, actively used listening strategies to aid in listening comprehension, showing similarities as well as differences in strategy use. However, effective learners used their listening strategies more appropriately than ineffective learners due to linguistic, cognitive, and affective variables which facilitated listening comprehension by intricately interacting with listening strategies. This study concludes with teaching implications and future study areas to verify these findings by different learners in different learning contexts.
  • 초록
  • This study investigates whether or not effective learners used learning strategies differently from ineffective learners in quantity as well as in quality. A total of 164 tertiary-level students learning English in Korea participated in the quantitative study, and eight students out of 164, four effective learners and four ineffective learners, were chosen in the follow-up qualitative study. The quantitative study showed that effective learners used more learning strategies than ineffective learners with the statistically significant but low correlation of .335 between learning strategy use and English proficiency. The qualitative study demonstrated that both effective and ineffective learners, in general, actively used listening strategies to aid in listening comprehension, showing similarities as well as differences in strategy use. However, effective learners used their listening strategies more appropriately than ineffective learners due to linguistic, cognitive, and affective variables which facilitated listening comprehension by intricately interacting with listening strategies. This study concludes with teaching implications and future study areas to verify these findings by different learners in different learning contexts.
  • 연구결과 및 활용방안
  • The present study investigated whether or not effective learners used learning strategies differently from ineffective learners in quantity as well as in quality among EFL university students in Korea. Several important findings were made, providing implications for teaching a second language in two areas. First, since effective learners used more learning strategies than ineffective learners, strategy training should be implemented in a language classroom to help learners become autonomous both in and outside of the classroom (Thompson & Rubin, 1996; Vandergrift, 1999). However, teachers still focus on language training ignoring strategy training in mainstream foreign language classes across academia because learning strategies are still beyond the concern of teachers, textbook authors, and administrators. Thus, the findings of this study will sensitize educational administrators, textbook authors, English teachers and learners around the world to the importance of learning and teaching strategies in L2 acquisition. Second, since effective learners used various learning strategies to their benefits due to other variables, teachers should keep these variables in mind in strategy training in order to maximize training effects. These variables are countless but can belong to linguistic, cognitive, and affective categories, as has been centered in second/foreign language learning and teaching (Brown, 1994; Ellis, 1994). Drawing on these tentative findings, teachers should fine tune their model of learning strategy training that are compatible with instructional goals, students’ learning styles, and learning settings.
  • 색인어
  • learning strategies, listening strategies, quantitative and qualitative methods
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