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지젝의 포스모던 이데올로기 혹은 판타지와 유령을 가로지르기
이 논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 지젝의 포스모던 이데올로기 혹은 판타지와 유령을 가로지르기 | 2001 년 박사후연수과정지원 | 이윤성(University of Florida) ) 연구결과물 로 제출된 자료입니다.
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저널명 안과밖:영미문학연구 - 등재후보 - B
발행정보 2004년 11월 15일 / Vol.17 No.0 / pp. 326 ~ 351
발행처/학회 영미문학연구회
저자수 1
  • 국문
  • This short paper has two main purposes. The one is to recover the arguments of ideology in the era of post-ideology. And the other is to speculate the discussions between Lacan and Zizek arising in connection with Antigone's act. For Lacan, the tragic act of Antigone is the event of an ethical act of the Real. But for ?i?ek, that is not only the event of an ethical act but also the event of traversing the fantasy and the specters, which can show us the way how the ideology operates. In short, ?i?ek designates the structural homology between the act of Antigone entering the Real and the way of ideology making the symbolic or symbolic field complete with fantasy and specters eliminated from the symbolic. If that is the case, what is the nodal point of joining two theorists' insistences? That is the act of Antigone. Only through the act of Antigone, Lacanian the Real can get the title of ethics or ethical act of psychoanalysis. Likewise ?i?ekian project of recovering the polemics of ideology can be given the name of political approach to psychoanalysis with reinterpretation of Antigone's act.

    In spite of ?i?ek's effort to interconnect the ethics of Lacanian psychoanalysis with his own political approaching to psychoanalysis via Antigone's act, ?i?ek fails to see through the Lacan's cunning intention in his comments on Antigone's act. What ?i?ek yet cannot detect is Lacan's hidden project of reinterpretation upon Aristotle's definition of tragedy in Poetics: "accomplishing the purgation of emotions by a pity and fear similar to this.?

    key words: ?i?ek, Lacan, Aristotle, ideology, psychoanalysis, the Real, the Symbolic, tragedy, the act, the ethical, ethics, pity and fear, purgation
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