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오용 원인의 실험적 분석
이 논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 오용 원인의 실험적 분석 | 2004 년 선도연구자지원 신청요강 다운로드 PDF다운로드 | 조남성(한밭대학교) ) 연구결과물 로 제출된 자료입니다.
한국연구재단 인문사회연구지원사업을 통해 연구비를 지원받은 연구자는 연구기간 종료 후 2년 이내에 최종연구결과물로 학술논문 또는 저역서를 해당 사업 신청요강에서 요구하는 수량 이상 제출하여야 합니다.(*사업유형에 따라 최종연구결과물 제출 조건이 다를 수 있음.)
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
저널명 동북아문화연구 - 등재후보 (ISSN : 1598-3692) 외부링크
발행정보 2006년 04월 01일 / Vol.10 No.0 / pp. 269 ~ 289
발행처/학회 동북아시아문화학회
주저자 조남성
저자수 1
  • 국문
  • In this research, I examined the relative difficulty of typical errors made by Korean students who learn Japanese language, their sources, and the differences of students and instructors' judgment about the error sources. The followings are the main findings.
    (1) In the test, in which students were asked to correct the common errors made by Korean students who learn Japanese language, the 4th year students, who are in the higher level, scored higher than the 3rd year students in lexicology errors, morphology errors, syntactics・semantics errors but scored lower in phonology (pronunciation) errors; it's because they ignored long vowel sounds in writing adopted words. In generation, they, the 3rd and the 4th year students, scored good points in morphology errors, phonology errors, syntactics・semantics errors, lexicology errors respectively.
    (2) In all the error categories, the rate of error caused by something other than Korean language interference was higher than that of error by Korean language interference; however, the difference is relatively less obvious in phonology errors. Most of these errors were made by the interference inside of the Japanese language; there are the errors caused by the difficulties of Japanese language itself and the errors made by overgeneralization.
    (3) According to the error categories, the differences in the judgment about the error sources were shown between the students and the instructors in the following areas - the errors made by the difficulties of Japanese language structure (phonology error category) between the 3rd year students and the instructor, the errors made by Korean language interference, the errors made by the difficulties of Japanese language structure (lexicology error category) between the 4th year students and the instructor, the errors made by the difficulties of Japanese language structure, the errors made by not being taught (morphology error category) between the 3rd year students and the instructor, and the induced errors (syntactics・semantics error category) between the 4th year students and the instructor.
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