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섬의 지속가능발전에 대한 국제 비교연구
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
사업명 중견연구자지원사업
연구과제번호 2007-327-B00387
선정년도 2007 년
연구기간 2 년 (2007년 12월 01일 ~ 2009년 11월 30일)
연구책임자 정대연
연구수행기관 제주대학교
과제진행현황 종료
과제신청시 연구개요
  • 연구목표
  • 오늘날 환경문제는 물질적 풍요성과 생활의 편리성 추구를 위한 산업화의 부산물이고, 인간의 생존 자체를 위협하는 수준이다. 환경문제를 해결하면서 산업화도 지속적으로 추진하자는 사회발전 이념이 1987년 유엔기구인 WCED가 제창한 '지속가능발전(sustainable development)'이다.
    1990년대 이후 국내외에서 지속가능발전의 정책과 모델에 관한 연구는 많이 이루어졌지만 한 나라 또는 한 지역이 과연 지속가능발전을 하고 있는지에 대한 경험적 연구는 국내외에 전무하다.
    환경문제를 발생시키는 시설과 오염물질 배출은 육지부에서 이루어지지만 그 영향은 섬에까지 미치기 때문에 섬은 사실상 피해자이다.
    1992년 170여개 국 국가원수들이 함께 모여 역사적으로 최초로 개최한 리우환경회의에서 지속가능발전의 실천을 위한 [의제21] 제17장에 '개발도상의 작은 섬국가의 지속가능발전'을 포함시켰고, 리우환경회의 10주년 기념으로 2002년에 개최된 지속가능발전 세계 정상회의에서도 섬의 지속가능발전을 위한 실천 프로그램도 채택하였다.
    이런 맥락에서 본 연구는 한국의 제주도, 일본의 오키나와, 호주의 타즈마니아 섬을 대상으로 섬의 지속가능발전의 상태와 변동, 그리고 지속가능발전을 위한 환경용량에 관한 국제 비교연구를 하고자 한다. 이 비교연구를 통해 섬의 지속가능발전의 특수성과 보편성을 이론화하고자 한다.
    이 세 섬을 선정한 이유는 아래와 같다.
    첫째; 세 섬 모두 관광이 핵심적 산업이라는 공통점을 가지고 있다.
    둘째; 세 섬 모두 지속가능발전을 위한 각종 정책을 중앙정부로부터 거의 독립적으로 운영하고 있다는 공통점이 있다.
    셋째; 반면 세 섬은 동양과 서양의 차이점이 있고, 또한 선전국과 개발도상국의 차이점이 있다.
  • 기대효과
  • (1) 학문적 기여도
    o 지속가능발전 상태 및 변동, 환경용량을 경험적으로 분석한 연구는 아직 국내외에 없기에 본 연구는 국내외에서 이 분야의 효시가 된다.
    o 따라서 본 연구가 계획하고 있는 지속가능발전 상태 및 변동의 분석틀, 분석기법 또한 국내외에서 이 분야의 효시가 된다.
    o 본 연구에서 밝혀지는 지속가능발전의 보편성은 섬 이외의 지역에 대한 지속가능발전의 일반화 수준을 높이는 초석의 역할을 한다.
    o 본 연구에서 밝혀지는 지속가능발전의 특수성은 아직 정립되어 있지 않은 섬 지역의 지속가능발전을 일반화시키는 데 필요한 초석의 역할을 한다.

    (2) 사회적 기여도
    본 연구에서 밝혀지는 지속가능발전의 상대적 중요도, 지속가능발전에 영향을 주는 요인들의 관계적 맥락, 지속가능발전의 변동은 지속가능발전을 달성하기 위해
    o 정부에게는 정책의 방향과 내용 결정에 필요한 기초자료가 될 수 있고,
    o 환경단체에게는 초점을 두어야 할 환경운동의 방향과 내용을 제공하고,
    o 기업에게는 녹색경영을 위한 방향과 내용을 제공하고,
    o 일반시민들에게는 일상생활에서 친환경적 행동을 유도하는 방향과 내용을 제공한다.
  • 연구요약
  • (1) 먼저 지속가능발전의 다양한 개념과 함의를 검토하여 통합적으로 정립한다.
    (2) 통합적 개념과 함의에 기초하여 지속가능발전의 상태와 변동을 분석할 수 있는 지표를 선정한다.
    (3) 지속가능발전의 상태를 분석한다: 이 분석은 아래 세 차원에서 수행될 것이고, 이를 위해 1996년부터 2005년까지 지표들의 시계열자료를 수집할 것이다.
    o 분석에 사용된 지표들이 지속가능발전의 상태를 결정하는데 영향을 주는 설명력을 측정한다.
    o 하나의 복합적 실체로서 지속가능발전의 여러 구성요소들이 지속가능발전의 상태를 결정하는데 미치는 영향이 다르다. 이 때문에 각 구성요소들이 지속가능발전의 상태를 결정하는데 영향을 주는 상대적 중요도를 분석한다.
    o 지속가능발전의 구성요소들은 독립적으로 존재하는 것이 아니라 서로 영향을 주고받는 관계적 맥락 속에 있기에 그 관계적 맥락을 분석한다.
    (4) 지속가능발전의 변동 분석: 이 분석은 아래 두 차원에서 수행될 것이고, 지속가능발전의 상태 분석을 위해 수집된 10년간 시계열자료를 이용할 것이다.
    o 변동의 구조: 지속가능발전의 상태는 시간이 흐름에 따라 변한다. 이 변동은 아무렇게나 일어나는 것이 아니라 일정한 유형을 띈다. 이 유형이 변동의 구조(structure of change)이다.
    o 상대적 위치의 변동: 지속가능발전의 구성요소들의 지속가능발전 수준은 매년 같은 위치에 있지 않을 것이다. 이것이 '상대적 위치의 변동'이다.
    (5) 환경용량: 지속가능발전은 축약하면 환경용량(carrying capacity) 범위 안에서의 사회발전을 의미한다. 환경용량은 아래 두 차원에서 분석할 것이다.
    o 환경부하량(environmental impact): 인구수와 생산활동이 자연에 주는 총체적 충격을 하나의 값으로 측정하는 것이 환경부하량이다.
    o 점용환경용량(appropriated carrying capacity): 인간이 현재의 기술을 이용하여 소비를 위한 자원을 추출할 때 자연이 자원을 계속 공급해 줄 수 있고, 또한 추출된 자원으로 재화와 용역을 생산하고 소비하는 과정에서 배출되는 각종 폐기물을 자연이 계속 흡수․처리할 수 있는 토지면적”을 말한다. 점용환경용량 산출을 위해 각 섬에서 300명을 대상으로 소비생활에 대한 표본조사를 실시할 것이다.
  • 한글키워드
  • o 지속가능발전 o 지속가능발전의 상태 o 지속가능발전의 변동 o 환경부하량 o 점용환경용량
  • 영문키워드
  • o Sustainable Development o The State of Sustainable Development o Change in Sustainable Development o Environmental Impact o Appropriated Carrying Capacity
결과보고시 연구요약문
  • 국문
  • The aim of this research was to analyze environmental carrying capacity in three islands Jeju (Korea), Hawaii (USA), Tasmania (Australia) on a comparative basis. This paper analyzed environmental impact (EI) and ecological footprint (EF). EF can be analyzed in terms of both land-use structure and consumption life people enjoy in everyday life. This paper analyzed EF in terms of the consumption life, using the structured questionnaire developed by Earthday Network. 200 samples were selected in each island, employing a quota sampling method by age and gender.
    The three islands experienced change in EI for ten years from 1996 to 2005, showing a trend of increase from 1996 to 2005. Hawaii was highest in the increase, showing 2.729 times, and followed by Jeju (2.129 times) and Tasmania(1.719 times). The examination on the increase in EI explored that the effect of economic production for increasing affluence and convenience in life was less than its impact on environment.
    EF as a whole reality was composed of five dimensions Residence, Food, Transportation, Product Purchase, and Discharge of Wastes, and each dimension was composed of question items. The three islands were different in the order of the biggest EF size being occupied by consumption life.
    Jeju exceeds EF size by 15.14 times, Hawaii by 2.55 times, and Tasmania by 8.088times. Jeju islanders require 2.044 earths, while Hawaii and Tasmania islanders require 2.239 and 2.585 earths, respectively.
    Males occupy bigger EF than females. The older the age is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the household income is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the educational attainment is, the bigger the EF size is. The Christians show a trend to occupy lower EF size than other religious beliefs and those who have no religion.
    Relatively important determinant of EF size was different by island. Gender was the most important determinant in Jeju and Hawaii, while household monthly income is the most important determinant in Tasmania. However, the order of important determinant except the most important one was different by island.
    As summarized above, significant differences in EI and EF were found by island. What are the major factors arising such differences Four factors - number of population, GRDP, land size, citizens' consumption life were used for estimating EI and EF. However, the differences can't be explained by the four factors, because there are so many factors determining the states of the four factors being patterned as a casual mechanism. The examples include the need citizens have for the enjoyment of material affluence and convenience in life, the pattern of citizens' lifestyle, and the development policy each island has advanced, etc. In this sense, the question - why such differences exist in the three islands is basically another further research question to be explained.
    Another limitation inherent in this research is that the ten-year time series data used for estimating EI and the sample survey with 200 residents represent the particular experience in the three islands. Therefore, if the experience is different, the findings will lead to different estimations of EI and EF. To determine EI and EF, assumptions would have to take into account a long list of parameters such as longer than ten-year time series data and more question items for measuring EF size. However, the results cited here are based on a limited number of parameters, and a complex measurement instrument has been partially developed. Further development of this model will prove useful for policy formation and management for sustainable development within environmental carrying capacity.
  • 영문
  • The aim of this research was to analyze environmental carrying capacity in three islands Jeju (Korea), Hawaii (USA), Tasmania (Australia) on a comparative basis. This paper analyzed environmental impact (EI) and ecological footprint (EF). EF can be analyzed in terms of both land-use structure and consumption life people enjoy in everyday life. This paper analyzed EF in terms of the consumption life, using the structured questionnaire developed by Earthday Network. 200 samples were selected in each island, employing a quota sampling method by age and gender.
    The three islands experienced change in EI for ten years from 1996 to 2005, showing a trend of increase from 1996 to 2005. Hawaii was highest in the increase, showing 2.729 times, and followed by Jeju (2.129 times) and Tasmania(1.719 times). The examination on the increase in EI explored that the effect of economic production for increasing affluence and convenience in life was less than its impact on environment.
    EF as a whole reality was composed of five dimensions Residence, Food, Transportation, Product Purchase, and Discharge of Wastes, and each dimension was composed of question items. The three islands were different in the order of the biggest EF size being occupied by consumption life.
    Jeju exceeds EF size by 15.14 times, Hawaii by 2.55 times, and Tasmania by 8.088times. Jeju islanders require 2.044 earths, while Hawaii and Tasmania islanders require 2.239 and 2.585 earths, respectively.
    Males occupy bigger EF than females. The older the age is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the household income is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the educational attainment is, the bigger the EF size is. The Christians show a trend to occupy lower EF size than other religious beliefs and those who have no religion.
    Relatively important determinant of EF size was different by island. Gender was the most important determinant in Jeju and Hawaii, while household monthly income is the most important determinant in Tasmania. However, the order of important determinant except the most important one was different by island.
    As summarized above, significant differences in EI and EF were found by island. What are the major factors arising such differences Four factors - number of population, GRDP, land size, citizens' consumption life were used for estimating EI and EF. However, the differences can't be explained by the four factors, because there are so many factors determining the states of the four factors being patterned as a casual mechanism. The examples include the need citizens have for the enjoyment of material affluence and convenience in life, the pattern of citizens' lifestyle, and the development policy each island has advanced, etc. In this sense, the question - why such differences exist in the three islands is basically another further research question to be explained.
    Another limitation inherent in this research is that the ten-year time series data used for estimating EI and the sample survey with 200 residents represent the particular experience in the three islands. Therefore, if the experience is different, the findings will lead to different estimations of EI and EF. To determine EI and EF, assumptions would have to take into account a long list of parameters such as longer than ten-year time series data and more question items for measuring EF size. However, the results cited here are based on a limited number of parameters, and a complex measurement instrument has been partially developed. Further development of this model will prove useful for policy formation and management for sustainable development within environmental carrying capacity.
  • 초록
  • The aim of this research was to analyze environmental carrying capacity in three islands Jeju (Korea), Hawaii (USA), Tasmania (Australia) on a comparative basis. This paper reviewed first the concept and measurement method of environmental carrying capacity. Then, environmental impact (EI) and ecological footprint (EF) among the concepts of environmental carrying capacity were analyzed. EF was analyzed from consumption life among others, using the structured questionnaire developed by Earthday Network. 200 samples were selected in each island, employing a quota sampling method by age and gender.
    The three islands experienced change in EI for ten years from 1996 to 2005, showing a trend of increase from 1996 to 2005. Hawaii was highest in the increase, showing 2.729 times, and followed by Jeju (2.129 times) and Tasmania (1.719 times).
    EF as a whole reality was composed of five dimensions Residence, Food, Transportation, Product Purchase, and Discharge of Wastes, and each dimension was composed of question items. Residence was biggest dimension occupying EF in Jeju and Tasmania, while Food was the biggest in Hawaii.
    Jeju exceeds EF size by 15.14 times, Hawaii by 2.55 times, and Tasmania by 8.088 times. Jeju islanders require 2.044 earths, while Hawaii and Tasmania islanders require 2.239 and 2.585 earths, respectively. This means that even though the EF size within internal carrying capacity is in order of Jeju, Hawaii, and Tasmania, their real EF size being occupied through consumption life is in order of Tasmania, Hawaii, and Jeju.
    Males occupy bigger EF than females. The older the age is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the household income is, the bigger the EF size is. The higher the educational attainment is, the bigger the EF size is. The Christians show a trend to occupy lower EF size than other religious beliefs and those who have no religion.
    Gender was the most important determinant in Jeju and Hawaii, while household monthly income is the most important determinant in Tasmania. However, the order of important determinant except the most important one was different by island.
    Such differences in EI and EF are caused by many factors including the four factors - number of population, GRDP, land size, citizens' consumption life which were used in this research. However, the differences can't be explained by the four factors, because there are so many factors determining the states of the four factors being patterned as a casual mechanism. In this sense, the question - why such differences exist in the three islands is basically another further research question to be explained.
    Another limitation inherent in this research is that the data used represent the particular experience in the three islands. Therefore, if the experience is different, the findings will lead to different estimations of EI and EF. To determine EI and EF, assumptions would have to take into account a long list of parameters. However, the results found in this research are based on a limited number of parameters, and a complex measurement instrument has been partially developed. Further development of this model will prove useful for policy formation and management for sustainable development within environmental carrying capacity.
  • 연구결과 및 활용방안
  • 1) Major Research Result: The three islands (Jeju, Hawaii, Tasmania) experienced change in environmental impact for ten years from 1996 to 2005, showing a trend of increase from 1996 to 2005. Hawaii was highest in the increase, showing 2.729 times, and followed by Jeju (2.129 times) and Tasmania (1.719 times).
    Jeju exceeds ecological footprint size by 15.14 times, Hawaii by 2.55 times, and Tasmania by 8.088 times. Jeju islanders require 2.044 earths, while Hawaii and Tasmania islanders require 2.239 and 2.585 earths, respectively. This means that even though the ecological footprint size within internal carrying capacity is in order of Jeju, Hawaii, and Tasmania, their real ecological footprint size being occupied through consumption life is in order of Tasmania, Hawaii, and Jeju. The excess of ecological footprint was significantly different by the socio-economic profiles of the residents in all of the three islands.
    2) Plan to Use the Research: The result of this research includes at least two plans to be used. They are indirectly social contribution and international reference data in university education. The following includes indirect social contribution.
    o can be used as a basic data for government to decide the policy priority in planning sustainable development.
    o can be used as a basic data for environmental movement organizations in terms of their direction and content of environmental movement.
    o can be used as a basic data for business corporations in terms of guiding the direction and content of green management.
    o can be used as a guide to lead citizens to environmentally friendly behavior in their everyday life.
    Meanwhile, the plan as an international reference data in university education is that the result of this research will be used as a teaching material in the course of environmental sociology.
  • 색인어
  • Sustainable Development, Environmental Carrying Capacity, Environmental Impact, Ecological Footprint
  • 연구성과물 목록
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