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근대문학의 재생산 회로와 검열-개벽을 중심으로
이 논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 한국 근대문학의 재생산 제도에 대한 시계열적 비교 분석: 1910~1940 & #40; - 작가와 독자의 상호작용을 중심으로 - & #41; | 2004 년 인문사회분야지원일반연구 신청요강 다운로드 PDF다운로드 | 박헌호(성균관대학교) ) 연구결과물 로 제출된 자료입니다.
한국연구재단 인문사회연구지원사업을 통해 연구비를 지원받은 연구자는 연구기간 종료 후 2년 이내에 최종연구결과물로 학술논문 또는 저역서를 해당 사업 신청요강에서 요구하는 수량 이상 제출하여야 합니다.(*사업유형에 따라 최종연구결과물 제출 조건이 다를 수 있음.)
  • 연구자가 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템에 직접 입력한 정보입니다.
저널명 대동문화연구 - 등재 (ISSN : 1225-3820) 외부링크
발행정보 2006년 03월 01일 / Vol.53 No.0 / pp. 77 ~ 120
발행처/학회 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원
저자수 1
  • 국문
  • Reproduction Circuit of Modern Literature and Censorship
    This treatise aims at looking into reproduction circuit of modern literature in condition of colonial period. In other words, I intend to prove colonization of reproduction circuit. Censorship was used to break a stereotypical understanding that individual system(‘Deung-dan’ which means getting into the literary circles &‘Seung-In’ which means the approval regime) which consists of the circuit.
    During early and middle of 1920s, [Gaebyuk] which was well known for ‘media centrism’ provided research materials the relations between reproduction circuit of modern literature and censorship. Thanks to awareness and pains of editors of [Gaebyuk], censorship of that time was almost restored. Especially, collation between each editions and the original copy resulted in statistical data’s periodical and interrelated authenticity in the time of confiscation and deletion. Reconstituted materials helped to make out the regard and intention of censorship’s main body.
    In interpreting of materials, things were considered such as importance of [Gaebyuk] as a media and literary status of [Gaebyuk]. Also, historical status was considered because at that time socialism was accepted so gladly that it turned out to be a threat to an empire. Most of all, after the promotion of ‘Left-Right Aliiance’, it was considered as a fait complished among people in 1924~7 and all that influenced quite a bit.
    Interpretation of documents explains next few things. First, during early and middle of 1920s, between the ‘Anti-Conventional School’ and ‘Unyielding Bourgeois Literature’, there exist the difference of censorship’s density. Second, as ‘Unyielding Bourgeois Literature’ was excluded from reproduction circuit, two trends run ideological parallelism. Third, through all those phenomenon, the plan of empire for Chosun’s modern literature was centered on division between Proletarian Literature and Bourgeois Literature so that literature of Chosun would be domestical.
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